The Macon Trust

Serving those who are in search of a career in the skilled trades that will see them using their mind, body, and hands to achieve and succeed. 


Scholarship Applications are now being accepted! Deadline to apply is Nov 30, 2024. Notification of selection results will be on Dec 15, 2024.


The Demand for Skilled Labor in
America has Never Been Higher

The Frank Macon Trust honors and remembers the amazing Tuskegee Airman, Frank Macon, a lifelong resident of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Frank Macon’s death at the age of 97 in 2020 rekindled his passion in the people who loved and respected him, and so his wish to help humanity lives on in this scholarship trust. The Frank Macon Trust is specifically dedicated to offering financial assistance to individuals seeking a career in the trade industries.

Because so many scholarships and educational opportunities focus on four-year college and traditional education, those who seek trade school opportunities may feel overwhelmed and lost when it comes to funding their education. However, Frank Macon fully believed in the value of the trades and his scholarship trust reflects that. 

Trade School Scholarships

The Frank Macon Trust was established to help fund the dreams of folks who hope to achieve their dreams within the skilled trade industries.


The healthcare industry offers many different careers across many different fields of healthcare.


Construction industry jobs are promising pathways for those who love to work with their hands.


Automotive careers can be rewarding and successful, with a mix of hands-on work and technology.


A career in the metalworking industry includes welding, pipefitting, and more.


Truck drivers can expect to make increasingly competitive wages as the logistics industry grows.


This industry is very people oriented and rooted in creativity, aesthetics, and fashion.
*IMPORTANT: A number of specific trades are discussed here on the website, but Macon Trust scholarships are NOT limited to these fields! If you would like to become an aviation mechanic, an electronics repair specialist, or any job that requires focused training and specialized skills, feel free to apply! We will help if we are able.

How to Apply

The Frank Macon Trust is designed to help primarily those who specifically seek career education, training, and certification in the skilled trades. The current geographic target area is Southeastern Colorado. If you are from this area and would like to apply, please visit our application page.  Electronic application is encouraged; however, we accept snail-mail applications as well and will follow up once we have received your hard-copy application materials.

How to Apply/Qualifications

We very much align with the idea of equality and fairness that Frank Macon himself adhered to in all things great and small.

Learn More

Learn more about the different areas of trade and industry that Frank Macon Trust offers. More infromation about scholarship and funding opportunities can be found through our website.


Beyond filling out the application form and providing materials outlined within the application, members of the Frank Macon Trust also wish to interview applicants who are being considered for grants or scholarships through the trust.

Send Us Your Application

If you would like to email your application, you are welcome to expedite the process. However, we do require snail-mail applications and will follow up once we have received your hard-copy application materials.

About the People it Serves

Providing scholarship programs for those seeking education beyond a four-year degree, the Frank Macon Trust serves those who are in search of a trade career that will see them using their mind, body, and hands to work hard, serve their communities, and prosper. Frank Macon understood the value of hard work and knew that education doesn’t always look like a traditional four-year degree. For that reason, the Frank Macon Trust was established to help fund folks who hope to achieve their dreams within the skilled trade industries.

Many programs in the trade industries still require education, training, and certification. In some cases, skilled trades require apprenticeship. These programs cost money, and education is certainly not cheap. While many scholarships and grants, student loan opportunities and more exist for traditional college education, it may be harder to track down funding and scholarship opportunities for individuals seeking training in the trades. For that reason, the Frank Macon Trust is designed primarily to help those who specifically seek career education, training, and certification in the trade industries.

Equal Opportunities

Zoom/remote interviews are possible, and we enjoy taking the time to meet with applicants to learn more about the stories that have brought people to this place in their life. We welcome all ages, race, ethnicity, gender, creed, and color to apply. We very much align with the idea of equality and fairness that Frank Macon himself adhered to in all things great and small. For that reason, we are committed to considering the whole person and the sum of one’s character, skill, goals, merit, and level of need.

Why this Trust Matters

The Frank Macon Trust is the result of a lifelong commitment to one’s community and a passion for helping others succeed. Frank Macon’s legacy will live on not only as a Tuskegee Airman, but also as a humanitarian who truly believed every human being has value. We offer scholarships, funding, and grants to individuals who apply and show their dedication and commitment to bettering their own life and the world around them. Frank Macon Trust exists to be a resource that will help launch the dreams of men and women everywhere who may be struggling to find their place within the workforce.

Whether it is a career choice immediately following high school, or a mid-life career switch–Frank Macon Trust believes that life is all about taking chances and daring to make the leap into something you haven’t yet accomplished. It’s an honor to help folks achieve their dreams and go farther than they could otherwise.

Meet Some of Our Donors

What We Have Accomplished

During our short existence so far, The Frank Macon Trust has already awarded a total of $7000 in scholarships to 4 deserving students. This was in spite of barriers caused by the recent pandemic. With your help, we soon hope to present as much as $10,000 in awards annually to help get young people into the workforce.

About Frank Macon Himself

Frank’s wish was for all kids to be able to conquer their challenges and live with purpose

Frank Macon, Tuskegee Airman, was a lifelong resident of Colorado Springs. After his adventures as a World War II Army Air Corps member, he dedicated himself to a life of leadership and mentorship. Frank believed in the value of hard work and honest living, and he hoped that all children would have the same opportunities he himself had in becoming a successful pilot. But it wasn’t always easy for Frank Macon–he struggled with dyslexia and a number of other challenges. For this reason, Frank Macon made it his mission to help create inspiration and opportunities for the upcoming generations. Frank’s wish was for all kids to be able to conquer their challenges and live with purpose. This fighting spirit with a passion for humanity embodies the mission and vision of the Frank Macon Trust.